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The face of the dying dog and the owner on the last bus made the...
An abandoned cat on a stroller I didn’t hesitate and immediately helped her
The biological legs for the cat Frostbitten lost all 4 limbs on the body
The strange stones with the ability to move, grow, and breed – These are Trovants and can be found only in Romania
Trovants are among the strangest stones on the planet. Romania is the only place where you can find them. Continuous...
Dog Risks Her Life Running Through Traffic Begging For Help For Her Injured Owner
Her only concern was to find help for her owner, nothing else mattered to her, not even her life, writes...
DNA analysis reveals ancient scythian warrior was a 13-year-old girl
The 2,600-year-old remains of a young Scythian warrior are now known to be female. The young warrior appeared to be...
2,000-Year-Old Pregnant Mummy Discovery ‘Shocked’ Scientists
“Shocked” scientists found the well-preserved ancient remains of a pregnant woman between 20 to 30 years old dating to the...
Cloudy-Eyed Dog Battled To See Unfair World, Dug A Dirt Hole & Resigned To Die
Homeless animals have enough challenges, even when they’re healthy. They are on their own and need to find food, water,...
Thai Animal Shelter Gives Disabled Dogs A New Lease On Life
Without a doubt, tales of various animals saved from the streets are heartwarming and demonstrate that there are still decent...
Golden Retriever Missing For 16 Days Found Swimming Along Shoreline
Following a water rescue by New Jersey State Police in the United States, Chunk, a beautiful 3-year-old golden retriever who...
Arabian coins found in US may unlock 17th-century pirate mystery
A handful of Arabian coins unearthed from an orchard in Rhode Island and other parts of New England are shining...
Artifact Reveals People Were Fed To Lions In Roman Britain
Archaeologists have presented ԍoʀʏ visual evidence that problematic people were fed to lions in Roman Britain. Excavations at a Roman...
Little Dog Trapped In Tar Kept Barking Until Someone Heard Him
Workers in the Polish town of Suwaki heard something that worried them last week. A dog was barking incessantly from...
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The face of the dying dog and the owner on the last bus made the...
An abandoned cat on a stroller I didn’t hesitate and immediately helped her
The biological legs for the cat Frostbitten lost all 4 limbs on the body
Filipino boy saved a cat’s family from a violent storm in Manila Bay
Mill- the tiny puppy became a survivor with a voice for past changes